Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kali Keduaaaa...

I'm blogging for the second time from Institut Perguruan Sultan Mizan...
What i'm feeling right now? Missing home. I've been here for 12days... and this Kursus Bestari will end on 10th July... there's lots of knowledge i gain here... Lots and lots.....
I'll attach our activities here some other time... i enjoy myself here...i really do.. I left my pupils for a month to a replacement teacher.. i hope she teaches better than me...nggeeee...
To all my friends at SKPH i hope all of u stay calm and relax with the new disaster happens in our scholl....hehheheheeeeeheee.. we'll see next 2 weeks.. bye.. fyi, i saw SUKHOI jet almost everyday here... doing their training,, no need to go to LIMA to enjoy 'sky diving'...